As you walk through the valley of the damned looking for respite from the constant bombardment of media messaging and our iphones connecting my brain to your brain and sending off fire signals at a rate of 72 per second we bring you news that this Friday 30th July we return to new cooler than thou disco basement THE DROP to bring you THISISNOTANEXIT and spread our musical vision like a virus. It will infect you given half the chance. Our message and music will improve your life though. We will be playing things that will open your mind.
The night starts at 11pm and will feature Simon A. Carr and Spectral Empire playing music ranging from minimal wave to post punk to italo-disco plus whatever else we dam well feel like. We'll also be joined by acid-disko revolutionary NIGHT PLANE who will be firing off a series of Night Plane musical missiles direct onto the dancefloor.
Plus its free entry. FREE ENTRY. We're not getting paid - we're just doing it for the love.
We're even going to hand out some Night Plane CDs to those who come and understand our crusade.

It will be ok.
Night Plane will bring you a gift.
In fact here is a gift right now.
Download the stems for Night Plane's debut single CHINESE SHADOWS and do with them what you will. We're giving it all away. We ask for nothing in return on this occasion. There are only a few of us left who believe.

The Dark Esquire has a new single out soon. You'll only get it on a black disc of vinyl loveliness if you follow this link and buy one for £10. That'll get you the 12", plus download tracks plus a big kiss from The Dark Esquire. He'll even write you a nice letter and say thanks. Hell I will too if we reach the target.
Do the right thing. And help us spread the message.
Seriously, a world of labels releasing Mp3's. Who wants that?
Time is running out.
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